
Effect of muharram on Pakistan's Economy

Muharram is an Islamic event, and has a lot of importance in Islamic history. This month realize the sacrifice of Hazrat Imam Hussain (a.s.) . People who love Hazrat Imam Hussain (a.s.) celebrate Muharram as the remembrance of that sacrifice that their Imam did in KARBALA   on 10th of  Muharram. Every year more than 10 million pilgrims go to Karbala to the Hazrat Imam Hussain's shrine.

This event, its celebration and its rememberence result a very good affect on the economey as a whole. But  I will discuess about the economy of Pakistan in this article.

Many People in Pakistan Make Taziya for the remembrance and mourning of Hazrat Imam Hussain a.s. As an estimate every year in Pakistan at least 200,000 Tazias are produced costing between Rs. 1000 to several 1000's. If average cost of a Tazia is Rs. 5000 then it will come to know that Rs 100 Million is spent on Tazia Making.
Tazia in mourning of Muharram
Moreover at least Rs. 500 Million is spent for niaz (giving food and meal to others in the name of Imam Hussain a.s.) in one day only i.e. 10th of Muharram.

12% of pakistani people often held Mjlis-e-Hussain meting in which preaching of Imam Hussain is recalled) in their home . If an average cost of one Mjlis-e-Hussain is Rs. 25000. It will come to know people spend more than Rs. 10,000 Million for Mjlis-e-Hussain every year.

the history of olympic medals with pictures

1896 Athens Olympic medals
1900 Pairs Olympic medals
1904 Saint Louis Olympic medals
1928 Amsterdam Olympic medals 
1948 London Olympic medals
1960 Rome Olympic medals
1968 Mexico Olympic medals
1976 Montreal Olympic medals
1980 Moscow Olympic medals
1988 Seoul Olympic medal
1992 Barcelona Olympic medal
1996  Atlanta Olympic medals
2000 Sydney Olympic medals
2004 Athens Olympic medals
2008 Beijing Olympic medals
2012 London Olympic medals 

Natalie Irish art

Painting with lips

Athough Painting and art is a saparate issue than business but I really like this "Art" which i am going to mention in my new post:
You have seen a number of colorful paintings and pot-rate but i mam sure you have never seen the art made my lips..
Yes really an american artist Natalie Irish  is making a number of paintings , but not with any paint or brush but only with her lips. She named her art as "LIP ART". Along with this art she can make pics with her thumbs and with her foots. But with this work she usually face the swallowing of her lips and pain in her eyes.
But she says due to this work I usually face swelling in my lips and pain in my eyes. She says that she was 5 year old when 1st time she won completion . Unfortunately she is the patient of diabetes she uses insulin pump attached to her body.

USA economy going down

It is really a shocking news that in USA every month near 8  banks fail to carry on.
Near 64 banks have closes so for and this caused the loss of USD 277 million. The economy of the whole world is mostly affiliated the economy of USA. It is very critical situation this time. The world con not recover from last inflation of 2006. And inflation is coming again . 

Samsung galaxy vs apple ipad

Samsung galaxy vs apple ipad

Apple has restricted Samsung galaxy to sale in Europe. Apple made case against Samsung in term of patent. Due to this recent case Samsung could not do further sale in Europe, moreover release in Australia also disturbed and Apple also restrict Samsung to release this series in US until this case has resolved

Legal Issue:

Apple claimed that Samsung use same Apple’s technology   

In reply Samsung argued that German court has announced this order without any hearing and without any proof.

london riots crises have affected the economey

London:Recent crises in Landon riots made a huge loss in economy as well .
several buildings have burnt to ash. till now 240 peoples have arrested. Recent crises made loss about 96.7 billion pounds to the economy. In London Stock exchange there is huge decline to see in points. This effect could be shown in European stock exchange

small industries in pakistan

Pakistan Carpet Industry
Pakistan is earning a lot through carpet industry. In Pakistan and Iran this industry is at its peek. Although its way of business is so simple there is neither any type of franchise nor any business for sale. Actually here in Pakistan business ideas are so simple. There are small businesses ideas here exist in Pakistan. Many industries in Pakistan just manufactures and sale they do not know about marketing so much. With the help of good marketing techniques we can increase our sale a lot, there are a lot of marketing techniques network marketing is a now approach. But this Industry is doing really a good job it is reflecting Pakistan’s culture, earning is another issue one can earn money online and so many ways.
But these small industries of Pakistan should now develop some money making ideas to increase its gross revenue and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Pakistan

What is Gold trading at today in Market

Gold savings is a long-term savings scheme involving short risks. Public willing to invest in gold has a usual advantage because the requirement for gold is much more than its actual supply. 

The rate of gold is usually in a continual rise. However, investors should not invest all their funds in one kind of gold investment. The gold business is vast and has many facets, and a savvy investor can exploit this. Capital can be invested directly in gold mines, for example, which can be more lucrative than investing in physical gold.

Benefits of gold savings:
·                                 Gold is a popular form of saving
·                                 Gold is indestructible
·                                 Gold is a major obligation in the jewelry industry
·                                 The malleability and ductility of gold make it very useful
·                                 Gold can be transported easily
·                                 Gold is the universal standard against which the value of any object can be review
·                                 It retains as well as realize in value
Gold investors have a preference to buy gold in its cheapest forms such as krugerrands, sovereigns and bars. Gold bars are the cheapest while gold sovereigns, because of their smaller size, are worth paying an extra premium for. 

Internal Audit VS External Audit

Internal Audit
As defined by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), "Internal auditing is an independent, objective and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization's operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance.

Internal Auditors Roles include monitoring, assessment and risk analysis and controls the organization, and review and confirm the information and compliance with policies, procedures and laws. Working in partnership with management, internal auditors to the Board, the audit committee and executive management assurance that risks are mitigated and that the corporate governance of the organization is strong and effective. And when there is room for improvement, internal auditors make recommendations for improving the processes, policies and procedures. "

External Audit

An external auditor is an audit professional who performs an audit according to specific laws or regulations on the financial statements of a company, government entity, legal person or organization that is independent of the audited entity. Information users of these financial institutions, such as investors, government agencies and the general public, are based on the external auditor to audit report impartially and independently.
The manner of appointment, qualifications and format of reports by an outside auditor is defined by law, which varies according to the jurisdiction of different countries. External auditors must be a member of a recognized professional accounting bodies. The external auditors normally address their reports to shareholders of a corporation. In the United States, public accountants are authorized non-governmental type of external auditors may conduct audits and certifications of financial statements of an entity and report on audits for public review. In the United Kingdom , Canada and other Commonwealth nations General Accountants Public Accountants and has served this role.

top 10 brands of Asia

Sony is now ranked  Asia's number one brand by Campaign magazine

According to the survey
this early year the user of Sony play stations were more that 100 million
top 5 brand are of japan and Korea which are remained unchanged from last year.  And no Chinese brand is in top 100 brand...
Indian top brand Amol is at no. 89 which makes milk and ice cream products.

Top 10 brands in Asia

  1. Sony
  2. Samsung
  3. Panasonic
  4. LG
  5. Canon
  6. Apple
  7. Hewlett-Packard
  8. Google
  9. Nestle
  10. Nike
Source: Campaign

china and Europe trade

Europe is Careful in criticizing  in China

Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao signed billions of dollars worth of business deals are completed after European tour. Europe is  hoping to support the fall of the economies of  investment by China. But human rights activists in Europe say that Europe should not work so quickly with a country on which he is accused of human rights violations.Mr. Wen in Germany have signed deals worth 15 billion dollars.It includes the purchase of 88 planes that  were created in Europe.

products manufactured in china

In April the growth of China manufacturing decreased…

China use purchasing manufacturers Index. (PMI) which was 53.4 in March but in April it goes down to 52.9.

Although it was not expected but some experts say that it shows the government’s effort to do this.

But on the other hand china is such a strong in term of its economy. China’s economy rate is almost 10% per year which will effect near .5%. Moreover china adopts monetary policy. So it will raise the interest rates of banks etc to control over inflation.

what is crude oil price

In Asian market crude oil price down one dollar per barrel

In Asian market the price of crud oil have gone down more than 1.46$ per barrel. On Tuesday Apr 26 the price of Brent crude oil with the decrease of cent was 123.20 dollar per barrel. While the price of light sweet crude oil for delivery of June with the decrease of 95 cent was 111.33 dollar per barrel. There in United States the price of crude oil decreased too. Brent crude oil is at 122.78 dollar per barrel while light sweet crude oil is at 111.28 dollar per barrel.

price of gold increase

Jewelry business effected due to increase in price of gold.

Due to current rise in price of gold where misdialers cannot buy gold jewelry on the other hand there is a negative impact on the trader’s attached to this business.

On average in Pakistan the sale of gold jewelry is decrease by 70 %. At the result of this, employees affiliated to this profession are going to unemployed. People are forced to drive taxi or to sell products with handcarts 

japan economy 2011

Japan economy will remain slum in next Biannual.

The governor of the bank of Japan said that due to deadly earthquake and tsunami the production stopped suddenly. Due to this effect this year Biannual will remain slum.

In an interview in Wall Street he said that in this financial year there is a fear that our gross domestic products(GDP) will decrease in first two biannual. The worst problem for Japan is the sudden decrease in production.

Governor said that all hinders will be finished by august 2011.

economic problems in the united states

In United States people are worried due to inflation

Some people are saying in misdialers are increasing in countries like India and Brazil because many people are using much resources here. While other experts say that d drought in Russia is causing riots in Middle East. And lake of refinery in international level is causing increase in food commodities and oil.

In United States people are worried due to inflation. Last time 1970 there was a decade of inflation in United States. Now a days although there is no inflation at governmental level but. Salaries and wages of people are still constant and prices of food commodities and fuel is increasing day by day that is why people are worried.

Different people are planning to use local transport and train instead of personal car hoping that it will be beneficial in next years and will help to control on inflation…